Veterans and Active Duty To March on Washington D.C.- In Support of Ron Paul

Veterans and Active Troops to march on Washington February 20,2012

By Kurt Nimmo

One thousand veterans and active duty troopswill shatter the corporate media hoax that insists members of the American military do not support Ron Paul due to his opposition to the unconstitutional forever war agenda of the establishment.

Despite this myth, the New York Times was obliged to admit reality last December, even if the admission wasn’t featured on the front page of the newspaper but instead posted on a remote area of its website.

“Representative Ron Paul, the congressman who favors the most minimalist American combat role of any major presidential candidate and who said all of the above quotes, has more financial support from active duty members of the service than any other politician,” Timothy Egan wrote.

“As of the last reporting date, at the end of September, Paul leads all candidates by far in donations from service members. This trend has been in place since 2008, when Paul ran for president with a similar stance: calling nonsense at hawk squawk from both parties.”

The troops also and not surprisingly support Paul over Obama, who said he would end the wars and bring the troops home and instead expanded the unjustified, illegal and unconstitutional wars started by his predecessor.

The pie chart below shows the break down of support.

The February 20th march on the White House by veterans and active service members in support of Paul is appropriately dubbed “Ron Paul is the Choice of the Troops.”  The event will begin at noon with a rally at the Washington Monument followed by a march at 2 PM in military squad formation to the White House where a special ceremony to honor troops who have died since the election of Obama will be held.

“We will step off towards the White House, turn left on Pennsylvania Ave, and come to a halt at 1600,” the Facebook page explains. “We will do an about face, and present a hand salute to a folded American flag for as many seconds as troops have died since President Obama took office, then march silently back to the Washington monument and fall out. We are currently working on arrangements and special guests for a reception that evening.”

Aimee Allen, Jordan Page, Golden State and Rebel INC will perform at a concert after the rally and march. It will be held at the Rock N Roll Hotel in Washington.

The march was organized by former Marine Adam Kokesh and Nathan Cox, a U.S. Army veteran. You can get more information on a Facebook page set-up for the event.

Members of the military take an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and this is why so many of them back the candidacy of Ron Paul.

Bill Manning, a military veteran who served as a combat pilot in Vietnam, explains in the following video why the men and women who defend America are overwhelmingly lining up behind Ron Paul.










About elliscountytimes

Not a lot to say. I am a novice at just about everything I do.

One comment

  1. Well I really hate to be a buzz kill but this story is absolutely bullshit and here’s why.

    Read it and weep Ron Paul zombies. I have had this conversation before but sorry any ACTIVE MILITARY that openly supports any candidate is subject to court martial.

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